Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Mom, the Zombie

Her body lives on; Her memory has not.

She goes on her daily business, yet remembers no one.

She loves to see us and hear us; however, does she really remember us?

She has become a zombie - alive, yet not alive. Breathing in the air, but not remembering, the sweetness of it.

Feeling joy at the sound of a familiar voice, but the joy is quickly forgotten once the call is finished.

She kept getting worse over the years, and we could do nothing to stop it or even slow it. Her we watched getting worse and worse, becoming more and more a zombie. Till now she is one.

She wants to see me and asks each time when I talk to her. She forgets I have neither the time nor the money, and I do not mind her asking me.

Her requests though hurt me because she has a zombie's memory.

She will see me one day and then forget I was there.

Her heart though will remember I was there. For her love for those who love her still lives on in her heart unforgotten.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

1 comment:

Kryssi said...

this made my cry..