Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Other Child

My other child wants.

He always wants.

Never thinks of me, only himself.

I give in to him

because it is easier

than fighting him,

with his whines of his needs.

What about my needs?

Unimportant he believes.

Unimportant unless he wants something.

He tells me I want food now;

Now, not not in an hour. NOW!

Sigh. I feed him to shut him up.

He tells me I want this place clean;

Yet he fails to clean up after himself,

and I get blamed for the mess.

I need help with our daughter;

I'm busy he replies.

Right...busy playing his latest game.

He is still on the game hours later

when I again ask for help with our daughter.

Snidely he tells me you're the one who got pregnant.

I bite my tongue and my reply die in my mouth:

You sure liked sticking it in,

but you sure hate to deal with what came out.

That night he comes up and pesters me for sex.

Too tired to argue, I agree.

On the bed I lie emotionless, and motionless

while he does me.

He finishes and asks me with a sneer on his face

have fun, did you?

My response is a sigh, get out of bed

and to close the bedroom door behind me.

I sleep on the couch in my office,

preparing to repeat the day again tomorrow.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I Hold You with Love

I hold you with love.

I hold you with love because you deserve genuine love.

I hold you with love to show you that you can be honestly loved.

I hold you with love since I accept you for you.

I hold you with love for you have a good heart.

I hold you with love because you are lovely.

I hold you with love because I care about you.

I hold you with love because one day I want you to feel -

feel the same way about me.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Way

Going back to my mom, which is what I wanted.

I was saying my last good-byes to a special friend

who helped me get out of here.

Here where dad wanted me, and controlled me, or so he thought

for he had taught me well, and I learned well from the master.

He wanted me to to smile and be lady-like, so I did.

It made him happy.

Always I kept my front up even in front of my special friend,

except when we were alone in private.

He was so lonely, so desperate for someone;

He loved me, and I loved him for what I needed him for.

He was nervous at first, but I told him if he loved me,

he would do it my way, so he gave freely without care.

When he did, he saw a big smile for him on my face.

Eventually a chain reaction was set in motion.

The end result was that I was here,

going back to mom. I was happy.

Time to go; I say bye.

As I go to through security to my jet,

I wonder two things: if he has realized

that not everything I was carrying could be seen,

and also how long should I carry the unseen baggage.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Meal

The Meal

Tonight is the night that I will finally do it.

Finally sleep with my bf.

I feel nervous, happy, anxious.

A long time I have put him off, but no longer.

He comes over, and I make dinner for us.

Wash the dishes and sharp knives and put the in the rack.

My pretty pink rack that I will not change for him.

After dinner, he leads me to the couch where we make out

as the tv drones on in the background.

Finally it is time and he leads me to my bedroom.

He's been so patient with me;

waiting for me to say yes.

I love his patience; I never thought he would stay with me.

He takes his time and makes me feel good.

Eventually we come together and it feels good.

I am glad I waited for him..

I tell him he made me feel good.

He smiles and tells me has something to tell me.

I smile when he tells me that.

I dream of a ring on my finger.

He tells me that he's moving to Anchorage.

I say nothing. Wondering....wondering....

Will he ask me to go with him?

Instead he tells me that he do not want to be a father now.

I tell him I do not want to be a mother now.

I feel happy that he does not want to pressure me about having kids.

Then he tells me he did not use a condom.

I freeze. I feel fear, then scared, then anger

all the while wondering will this get me pregnant?

So, a plan forms in my mind.

I smile sweetly asking him if he is hungry.

He replies that he is, so I get up to make him another meal

and walk with him to the kitchen.

We go to the sink where he asks me what am I making.

Sweetly smiling, I tell him what I will make for him:

MC Pig's Rocky Mountain Oysters,

while reaching for the knife that I will use to get the oysters.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our Friendship Is Short of Time

I love to hear your voice, to listen to you talk.
Often after hanging up, I feel better.
And you tell me you feel the same.

I hope to meet you one day, but time is short.
Our friendship will not far off, be just a memory.
A memory in me, for life is short for you.

Much younger you are, but life's final chapter
is facing you squarely. No way to hide,
no way to avoid it. Sometimes, I cry inside.

I would love to meet you and see your smile,
then give you a great big hug, and then
get one of each from you.

We have talked about meeting, but money,
like our time of friendship, is short.
Therefore, we strive to enjoy what we have.

Hence, we want to enjoy our friendship,
so I will listen to you and help you,
as you will listen to me and help me.

You are and have been a great friend,
even though our friendship has not been long.
But it has been good for me and you.

Yet even though our friendship is short of time
here on earth, you will continue to live
in my heart, so our friendship will go on.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.